Some Common MBA Interview Question (part 2)

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Welcome back! Book My Colleges is back with PART 2 of ‘Some Common MBA Interview Question’ if you had already read our previous article, this article is on a similar tone and will shed light on some more questions that are asked frequently during the interview round of B-School admission. If you did not read our previous article, we highly recommend you to go through it. (Some Common MBA Interview Questions (PART 1)). So, let's begin.

  1. What if we don’t hire you?

This question checks the patient and reaction of the candidate. When a candidate is asked this question, they get scared or start feeling rejected, remember it is just a question it’s not any ultimatum, so the first thing is to stay calm while facing such a question. Then tell them why you feel that you should be selected for the college, and even if you are not getting selected then ask them why that is so and you are open to criticism so that you don’t make such mistakes in the future interviews. This will show how sincere you are to join the college and are ready to rectify your mistake that you had made during the interview. So when confronted by such a question, stay calm and don’t panic.

  1. Have you applied to other B-Schools?

This question seems obnoxious but is not, when the interviewer wants to know about other colleges the candidate will apply to and their preference colleges. So, candidates should list some of the colleges they have applied to, but remember DO NOT show any preference. That can backfire, and can raise questions that can be difficult to answer.

  1. Three words people will use to describe you?

With this question the interviewer wants to know about your social skills and how you are with people. He wants to know how presentable the candidate is? And can he/she be able to get along with other people? Answers to this question also present the candidate in light of different perspectives. 

Candidates can prepare for such questions by asking people around them (like, friends and family) about them. Then frame a presentable answer with the help of such information.

  1. Question related to academic background?

The pool of candidates is so huge, candidates from all over different fields are appearing for interviews. Therefore, it should be obvious that the interviewer wants to check their field knowledge, he can ask different questions related to the candidate’s field or can ask to explain concepts of interest to them.

Candidates should revise their academic syllabus before appearing for an interview and have thorough knowledge of the concepts relating to their field. If they are not able to answer any question, they should politely ask the host to skip that question.

  1. Moral dilemma questions?

Interviewers can put candidates in a moral dilemma by asking different questions which are related to the moral of the candidate. These questions are asked to know about the moral and ethical status of the candidate and how well the candidate can handle real life circumstances while being ethical. Well, there is no rule of thumb to answer such a question because there can be a number of circumstances that can happen, so to tackle such a question you have to stay calm and try to give the most logical answer you can give possible.

  1. Do you have any questions for ME?

Before concluding the interview, many hosts asked such questions. This question is like asking for feedback on an interview, but candidates must not ask any nonsense; they should only ask any genuine and logical query (if any). If candidates do not have any query, it is preferable, they let the host conclude the interview by politely denying the offer.

This is all for this article. Book My College is grateful to you for reading this article. This is part 2 of the topic. If you hadn’t read the previous part yet, please do go through it on …………… Please remember that this article is for guidance and is not a rule of thumb, candidates have to have confidence in themself to clear the interview. We are thanking you once again for your time and wish you a very bright future.

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